Fungal nail infection is a common and contagious disease caused by the growth of nail fungus. It can occur on both fingernails and toenails, but it most often occurs on toenails. This is because the warmth and moisture from wearing shoes are factors that cause the fungus to grow. In addition, the toes have less blood circulation than the fingers, making it difficult for the body’s immune system, which travels with the blood, to detect and eliminate germs.

The first symptom is a white or yellow spot at the tip of the nail. If the fungus begins to spread, the nail may thicken, change color, develop thickening under the nail ufabet and the nail may separate from the nail bed, which may be seen as a hole or gap under the nail.
Nail fungus does not show obvious symptoms in the early stages until it begins to grow, causing the following changes:
- Nails change color. They may turn white, black, yellow, or green.
- Nail discoloration: Infected nails may have an unusual shape or texture, making it harder to cut.
- Pain or discomfort , especially during use or when there is pressure on the finger.
- Brittle or peeling nails. The nails may peel off in layers or break off.
In some cases, the skin around the nail can become infected with fungal infection, which can cause itching, cracked nails, or red, swollen toes.
Risk factors for nail fungal infection
- Let go of the true cleanliness and do not make your feet dry.
- Wear shoes that make your feet hot, moist, and sweaty.
- Walking barefoot in places where there is a risk of fungal infection, such as public showers and toilets, gyms
- Nails are damaged or have wounds.
- Have a weak immune system
- Have other abnormalities or diseases, such as diabetes, psoriasis, or peripheral arterial disease.
Home remedies for nail fungus
- Keep your nails clean and avoid getting them moist.
- Use nail clippers to cut off the infected nail.
Nail fungal infections can generally be prevented by reducing risk factors and behaviors that may cause nail fungus, including:
- Keep your hands and feet clean and avoid getting damp.
- Avoid walking barefoot in public places on damp or watery areas, such as public showers, swimming pools, etc.
- Wear shoes that are not too tight and avoid shoes that may harbor fungus.
- Wear shoes and socks made from natural materials, as these will help your feet breathe better.
- Keep your nails trimmed short at all times and avoid sharing nail clippers with others.
- Use clean towels and socks. Avoid sharing towels and socks with others.