Side effects of antidepressant medications.

Depression medicine There are some side effects that some users may find annoying. But not dangerous However, when you feel that there are side effects of the medicine. Please inform your doctor.
The following side effects are most common with tricyclics. Which are the most commonly prescribed class of drugs. And we have recommended ways to alleviate side effects at the end as follows. Report from
- Dry mouth and dry throat – Drink water often, chew sugarless gum, and maintain good oral health .
- constipation – eat food that contains waste Or have a mild laxative effect. Fruits and vegetables such as grapefruit, tamarind, papaya.
- Urinary problems – There may be difficulty urinating. Urine doesn’t rush like usual. You may use your hand to hold your abdomen to help and consult a doctor.
- Sexual problems – There may be some problems while having sex. who can consult a doctor
- Blurred vision – This symptom disappears quickly. No need to cut new glasses.
- Dizziness – getting up from the chair or bed slowly drink more water
- Drowsiness – symptoms may go away on their own. Don’t try to drive. or working with machines If you are very sleepy in the morning, postpone your bedtime medication to eat later in the evening.
For SSRIs, there may be different side effects, including:
- Headache – may last for a while and then disappear
- Nausea – usually temporary
- Insomnia or restlessness – found during the first 2 to 3 weeks of taking the medicine. If it persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.
Preparing to deal with depression
- Normally, as far as information was found during treatment, it was found that those with the criteria for depression tended to begin at the age of 25 years, after which the depressive symptoms continued for a long time. Even though there has been treatment But symptoms still need to be closely monitored. Depression is similar to diabetes or high blood pressure. Even though there are no visible symptoms But you must take medicine to control symptoms to prevent relapse.
- But the advantage of treating people with depression is that when receiving treatment Patients will be able to return to their normal lives. Some people have better intelligence, are smart people, some can study up to a master’s degree or a doctorate degree, some are high-level executives. Be a person who can succeed in society
- Therefore, when it comes to treating depression, if the patient has finished taking the drug The treating doctor will stop the drug. and still have to closely monitor the symptoms Because it may be recurring like cancer, when the cancer has been eliminated. But I have to watch and see if the cancer can come back again or not. Depression is the same.
How to prevent depression
- Don’t get yourself involved in complicated situations.
- Don’t set goals that are difficult to achieve. or go into carrying a lot of responsibility
- Try to break down big tasks into smaller ones. Choose to do more important things first. and do as much as possible
- Don’t expect too much of yourself because that’s where you’re creating failure.
- Participate in activities that you might enjoy, such as exercising, watching movies, watching sports, or participating in religious or social activities. But don’t overdo it or get irritated. If it doesn’t instantly help you feel more comfortable. Because it may take some time
- Don’t make big life decisions like resigning, changing jobs, getting married, or getting divorced without consulting with other people who know you well. Have a neutral perspective on the problem. for whatever reason Try to postpone your decision until your condition improves.
- Don’t expect to recover from depression. “Shortcut one finger” because it is difficult. Try to help yourself as much as you can. without blaming yourself that is not healed because of not trying or not being good enough
- Remember not to accept pessimistic thoughts. Tell yourself that it is part of the symptoms of the disease. and will disappear when the symptoms of the disease improve